The Poseer Enterprise Co., Ltd.--IR faucets, urinal flushers, soap dispensers, bathroom ware
Devoted to production and development of IR faucets and bathroom and fittings for decades, The Posser Enterprise Co., Ltd. has been reputed as one of the most specialized makers in the line in Taiwan.
The Poseer has been noted for pushing formation of an alliance of bathroom product manufacturers, namely Bontly, which is dedicated to bathroom ware and fittings made of stainless steel. For buyers, the alliance also provides them an easy access to excellent Taiwna-made bathroom products.
The company also turns out a wide range of IR bathroom fittings and ware, including automatic faucets, urinal flusher & valve systems, sensor soap dispensers, non-aerosol dispensers, air fresheners, stainless soap dispensers, jumbo rolls and toilet tissue dispensers, paper towel dispensers, basins, mirrors and related accessories. With strong commitment to on-time delivery, product quality and innovation, the company has built a solid name in the line. (SC)
The Poseer Enterprise Co., Ltd.
No. 33-9, Alley 33, Lane 58, Gongyequ 1st Road, Taichung 40767, Taiwan
Tel: 886-4-2332-0207, 886-4-2359-1568
Fax: 886-4-2359-2866